Data Security
The 4 Benefits of VPN Elimination
The corporate perimeter as you know it no longer exists. Virtual private network (VPN) vulnerabilities...
5 Reasons Why Software Security is More Critical Than Ever
Vulnerable software and applications are the leading cause of security breaches. Couple this with the...
5 Remote Work Threats and How to Protect Against Them
With the surge in remote work, many IT and security teams are forced to make security tradeoffs to maintain...
Delivering Real-time Cloud Security Without Trading Off Performance
There has been a long-standing tradeoff between security and performance, and security often gets the...
An Overview of Cato Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
ata is the most valuable asset a modern enterprise has. The evolving threat landscape and shift to cloud...
For digital sovereignty and transparency in the cloud
Shared use of infrastructure not only saves resources but also enables companies to push ahead with digitalisation...
Modern Blueprint to Insider Threat Management
Taking a People-Centric Approach to Your Insider Threat Management (ITM) Programme Insider threats can...
Building Your MSP Security Offerings
As a managed service provider (MSP), your customers already expect you to keep their networks secure....
The State of Security within eCommerce
2020 is a year unlike any other. Among the many effects of the global pandemic is the significant increase...
Hope is NOT a strategy: Secure your business with the Content Cloud
Seems like every week there's news of another security breach. Ponemon Institute has found that the typical...
Pain & Progress: Cybersecurity and Business Risk Study
Despite their best efforts and investments, some organisations still experience difficulty as a result...
5 Tips for Managing Third-Party Risk
Across industries and around the world, executives remain preoccupied with digital transformation. According...
6 Misconceptions about Collective Defense for Cybersecurity
Collective Defense uses collaboration and threat information sharing in new and powerful ways to reduce...
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